Thursday, 10 November 2011

Blackadder's courtroom scene.

The name of the video clip is “Blackadder’s courtroom scene”. It consisted of six minutes and thirteen seconds in which Blackadder (Rowan Atkinson) is on trial for disobeying orders and shooting the generals pigeon.

It was an overall good comedy but had lame bits in it too. Rowa Atkinson, who is very popular for his role as Mr. Bean in his movies, plays, serials and cartoons is dressed in the military uniform and has a mustache too. The mustache represented his gender and made him look funny at the same time.

As the clip begins an overall view of the courtroom has been shown. The room had a pure royal British theme with dull golden and metallic colored props and the set consisted of the same theme too.(royal/military) with big rugs on the wall. British English accent has been used.

The camera zooms in when Blackadder’s lawyer, namely George, who was a rather silly yet fumy person; enters the room and starts presenting his case to the clerk of the court which I found very funny as he was trying to be extra efficient. George the lawyer was wearing a black cloak on top of his military uniform. The second person against Blackadder enters the court room. He too was in his uniform. Good video editing has been done. For examples, when the lawyer sits, the person against Blackadder enters the room. A side poses of Blackadder and the person in his opposition, namely Captain Darling, is shown in a half shot. Funny dialogues like “having enormous fun” in the court have been used. The lightning overall used is the mood light. A full view of the room is again captured when the judge (General) enters the room whose pigeon was killed by Blackadder. The judge himself was very funny and emotional at the same time as he called Blackadder a “pigeon murderer” in a very dramatic way. He seemed emotional too as he described the pigeon as a “lovely, innocent pigeon”. His main concern was the pigeon’s murder and he did not take the thing seriously that Blackadder had committed any other serious crimes. This was mainly to create humor and also show how important the pigeon was and how attached the General was to his pigeon. He wears a black cap which showed that he would soon give a death sentence and this created even more of humor to the clip as the intensity of the crime wasn’t worth giving a death sentence. There was no background music. The clip was kept simple as far as the sound was concerned. We could only hear loud laughter after every funny part to create more humor. It actually worked and made the audience laugh. 
The first witness was captain Darling from the opposition which wasn’t very expected, was lame yet funny too. Good camera movements are shown when the camera moves along with George when he comes to sit as Blackadder’s batman called Private Bull rick enters the room.  The funny part was when the batman refuses to accept his very own name in the court!! The batman wore rough clothes and had an overall poor image. He wore dirty rough clothes, glasses, a cap and carried a bag pack. He had a very short role to play. 

A wide shot is shown when George reads out his final words from a piece of paper. A close up of the judge is shown and a short glance of George and Blackadder along with two men at the back is also shown. Adding more to humor there was a part when Captain Darling calls the general to present his case as his witness. .The camera zooms in and there’s a good half shot captured with both the characters in it. After this, a full shot of the scene/room is shown with a profile of Blackadder and the general along with Captain Darling standing opposite to him. The camera moves along the general as he goes and sits with the camera glued to him as he announces his sentence while wearing the same black cap.

 In the last few seconds good camera editing has been done with a full wide shot of Blackadder as he stands and within a second a half shot is shown and the clip ends right there yet with another funny note as the general tells Blackadder that he will be hanged to death at dawn and whether if there was anything Blackadder wanted to say. Blackadder replies to it by just asking for an alarm clock (so that he could wake up at time)!!   

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